Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Letter "F"

So was @ work earlier on today and my work buddies and I were chatting about how Ghanaian women like the Letter "F"

So we came up with a couple off things like:

1. Most if not all Ghanaian women like or are looking for someone who will "Finance" stuff for them

2. Ghanaian women like "Free" stuff

3. Ghanaian women really enjoy using this phrase "Fa ma me" or "Fa ky3 me" (Give it to me and the literal translation for Fa ky3 me is Dash it to me)

4. She will call you and tell you she is hungry lets go and buy "Food"

5. Most Ghanaian women if not all, like guys who will take them out to eat "Fried " rice @ a Chinese restaurant.

6. On the way back from the restaurant she will tell you to get one for her "Friend" that's if

7. She didn't already ask you when you were leaving for the restaurant if her "Friend" could tag along.

8. If you are lucky she will ask you for desert, and she will want "Frankie's" ice cream

9. She might even ask you for money to buy "Fone" credits

10. She is like I would really appreciate it if you got me this "Furniture"

11. Most of them if not all are very "Feisty"

12. If you are not lucky she might make a "Fool" out off you.

The only thing that begins with "F" they don't want to her is


Do you know off anything beginning with F that women like?


Myne said...

You're a very naughty man. LOL

B.O.N.T.I said...

@Myne you know everything in there is true

Enyonam said...

How about taking your lady to a Fashion boutique.LOL!!! True stuff..

B.O.N.T.I said...

@ enyonam they also like "Fancy" jewelry...

Anonymous said...

lol!!!! B.O.N.T.I, I really like this piece. The part I really don't get about Ghanain women is when you are taking them out and they bring their Friends.

Can't wait to read your next piece.

cy lover said...


cy lover said...

u niggas have too much time on your hands at work

B.O.N.T.I said...

@ Anonymous Thanx

@ Cy lover we try and make the time.

Lady Jaye said...

I don't think most Ghanaian women are feisty. For the most part, they are socialized to be very submissive (almost to the point of cowering) so anyone who displays the slightest independence is considered feisty, and they truly feisty ones are tagged obaa genge or some other stereotypes

Abena Serwaa said...

Very witty Bonti! Mmmmm sounds like you have suffered ahhhhh at the hand of feisty afemales and their friends. *Lol* Wow, Lady Jaye, not sure I entirely agree with you that it is true for 'most'. Seemingly, submissive women still have their ways of controlling men.

B.O.N.T.I said...


B.O.N.T.I said...

you just gotta love spam!! lol!!!