Whoa!!!!! itz abt tyme that Mtv Awards come to Africa....The land of Music and creativity, rythms.. Do you want me to go on.... Even though i wasn't able to go to 9ja... I got to see the re-run on Tv3, big ups to them for showing it to those who couldn't be there in person to witness the first Mtv Africa Music Awards show....
If any of you got a glimpse of what I saw 2nytes ago, you must be thinking..... was the show really held in 9ja.... the stage was perfect...... from lighting, to stage design.....was just swell... I mean no amount of words can describe the creativity and perfection... involved in what i saw.... For a second I actually thought i was watching your regular Mtv award show probably from Ceasar's palace or something... LOL!!!!!! Big Ups to 9ja again... proving to the world that Africa has a lot to offer in the entertainment industry...

I was really impressed with the way the awards were presented to the winners..... The award itself looks really "Posh" Thumbs up to D'banj....NaetoC, Ikechukwu......HHP.....JOZI....ASA.....Cassette....Samini.....Wahu...Seether....Goldfish. all those who were nominated in the first ever Mtv Africa Music Award... It really proves they are actually doing something in the music industry.... They are all winners in my book....
Ghanaian artist Samini revealed he was not happy the live award had gone to a "group that plays CDs and mimes".He added: "If you say 'live' then the music has to be with a band."I'm not picking names but I think that the best live performer should go to a live band artist."I'm sorry if I'm being harsh here but I'm trying to be straightforward. If I watch you on TV and I see you with a live band, then you better do it on stage for me." from BBC.

Honestly is this guy for real....why is he complaining....there was no way he was going to win the award... Dude should go check up the defn. for live performance.... it doesnt necessarily have to be with a band..Its also abt being able to perform on stage and move a crowd....I think the winner of award, did deserve it. I should think he being nominated is credit enough of his good work and thus he should step up his game... and maybe in the near future he will pick up an award.. He should stop his childish whining...

All in all I think the show was a success.... and Ghana Music Awards should learn alot
from M.A.M.A...... Big Ups once again 9ja